Balance Audio Technology has introduced a fully balanced solid-state power amplifier model REX 300.
Thanks to a number of proprietary technical solutions, the latest design has sound reproduction characteristics found almost exclusively in tube designs, while retaining in full, the capabilities characteristic of very powerful solid-state amplifiers. The overriding goal of the engineers is to constantly improve the design, so that it can evoke in the listener an experience identical to that created when listening to live music.
The REX 300 power amplifier is simply a version of the REX 500 model, but with lower output power. The principle of passing quality from a higher price level to a lower one is at work here, and in this case it happened in the best possible way. Not everyone needs such a high power output as the REX 500 (2x500W/8Ω) to publicize their living room, the REX 300 (2x200W/8Ω) may suffice, which is slightly weaker, but retains all the unique and advanced circuitry found in its big brother.
The REX 300 power amplifier is equipped with the "Intelligent Power= Upgrade" function, allowing it to be used in stereo or mono. Conversion (service) is done by connecting inputs and outputs in parallel, the current doubles and the sound becomes even better.
Starting with a powerful power supply, the REX 300 uses the same TWIN-Path (dual-path power supply) topology found in the REX 500. These are individual power paths that allow much more current to be delivered to the final stages than in traditional designs. At the heart of the topology, in this case, is an improved "SuperPak Quattro" capacitor bank, which becomes an additional power source, essentially pushing additional energy into the terminal stage. The new "SuperPak Quattro" provides four levels
of power filtration. This is achieved by using the highest quality silver film-oil capacitors, shunted with an X-cap capacitor. It also has its own power rectifiers. As a result, the beauty of texture, tonal density and harmonic accuracy of the music become much more audible than with traditional solutions. In addition, since the best-sounding fuse is the absence of a fuse, the REX 300 follows its big brother with its protection circuit design, in which internal fuses have been eliminated, allowing the amplifier to handle higher currents without interfering with performance.
REX 300 is a modern power amplifier which, thanks to the fact that it consists of just two amplifying stages with very high drive capability, provides an unprecedented level of transparency and dynamic sound. Such a design avoids the use of popular cathode duplicates, which amplify the sonic shortcomings of many designs. In addition, the output stage is based entirely on "N-channel" MOSFET transistors (as opposed to the traditional solution in which complementary pairs of "N" and "P" are used, where "P" are inherently slower and therefore simply inferior), which allows the entire signal to be amplified by identically built elements in an identical circuit configuration, thus ensuring absolute symmetry of the output signal
The REX 300 power amplifier is equipped with the "Intelligent Power= Upgrade" function, allowing it to be used in stereo or mono. Conversion (service) is done by connecting inputs and outputs in parallel, the current doubles and the sound becomes even better.
For more information and a photo gallery, visit the BALANCE AUDIO TECHNOLOGY website.
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